The audience love her beautiful voice, her acting skill, and her androgynous appearance, but she has not gained as many friends amongst her fellow actors and actresses. She returned to Paris and asked an old lover of hers, the Count d'Armagnac, to persuade the king to grant her a pardon and a place at the Paris Opéra. Three months later, the girl returned to her parents and d'Aubigny was charged in absentia with kidnapping, body snatching, arson, and failing to appear before the tribunal. The two lovers managed to get away from a convent by setting it on fire. Julie d'Aubigny joined the opera company run by Pierre Gaultier in Marseille and left Sérannes for a young woman. She fled to Marseille together with Sérannes, an assistant fencing master and they earned money by giving fencing exhibitions and singing in taverns and at local fairs. The opera singer Julie d'Aubigny learned dancing, reading, drawing, and fencing while young. When he died in 1683, his son Colbert de Seignelay pursued his task till 1690.

While mercantilism promoted commerce and crafts, thereby increasing prosperity, peasants were not stimulated to increase their production. To support his policies, he also greatly enlarged the size of the royal navy. He encouraged a more efficient domestic trade (roads, canals, suppression of local duties), established state monopolies, subsidized manufactures, promoted navigation and trade associations, fixed agricultural prices, encouraged marriage and prohibited emigration (except to Canada). An advocate of Mercantilism (also Colbertism), he aimed at a favorable French balance of trade through the export of valuable finished products (like luxury items) and high import tariffs. His state-guided economy included better tax collection, statistical planning of the budget and regular bookkeeping. Nominated Minister of Finance in 1661, Jean-Baptiste Colbert (born 1619) developed the first national economy of the modern age. Please help with verifying or updating this infobox.